Friday, December 02, 2011

A note about commenting because several of you have said you don't do it because it's too complicated.  You don't have to log in to be able to leave a comment on the blog.  Just type your message, then your name, and check the box for anonymous.  It will then post you as anonymous, but because you've written your name, I'll know the message is from you!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog and browse through it often to check up on you, Paul and my great-nephews.I feel I know Tim and Luke very well. Love to you all. Cath xxx

Kathleen Attridge said...

It was great to see you Cath. Thanks for giving us so much of your time.

Jenny said...

The count-down to our next trip to see you all has begun! Love and hugs to you all.Gran and Grand-da

Anonymous said...

I would have spent 24/7 with you if I could.Cath x

Kathleen Attridge said...

6 months and how many days Jenny? That's sweet Cath.

Anonymous said...

6 months and 15 days! Fly Time Fly!!!

Love Jenny


There are a lot more sibling arguments around our house these days, and we cherish it even if we don't love it.  We have carr...