Sunday, September 07, 2014

poppies at The Tower of London

There's an exhibition going on at The Tower of London until Armistice Day on November 11.  The poppies are handmade ceramic flowers about the size of your fist, maybe larger.  When we were there today, over 350,000 had been placed.  By the 11/11, there will 888, 246, the number of fallen from the Commonwealth during WWI. It's a powerful, beautiful and moving view.   You can purchase one of the poppies.  It will be sent after the exhibit is over and the proceeds are donated to Service charities.  We've bought one each for the boys and one for us.  We've explained what it's all about, and these keepsakes will help them remember what must never be forgotten.

Along with the poppies, the boys got to see tall ships go through Tower Bridge and of course the crown jewels and armoury.

Going to London is still a long, hard day for us.  Manoeuvring the boys on trains, tubes, buses and crowded streets is taxing for all us, but we're getting better at it.  We bring plenty of snacks and fully charged devices.


There are a lot more sibling arguments around our house these days, and we cherish it even if we don't love it.  We have carr...