Sunday, July 10, 2016


This banner used to hang on my grandmother's balcony.

Our neighbours threw a block party to celebrate the Fourth of July.  We've been told by other neighbours that this is the event of the year, and we were not disappointed.  People oraganize their travels for this.  It takes place at a T intersection down the street and around the corner from us.  Four houses pool their money and hire/rent the following:
  1. a smoker to cook  chickens, corn and a whole hog, split in half
  2. a cotton candy machine
  3. two kegs of beer
  4. Jack Daniels and coke slushies
  5. a bouncy castle
  6. a bouncy water slide with a small pool
  7. Bands (we saw/heard 2 in the four hours we were there, but the music lasted about 12 hours)
Half a hog almost gone

The other half, gone before it even cooled

One of several helpings of cotton candy

Ta da!  We think that this is his Fix it Felix pose. He went down a couple of times, but hose water at altitude is coooooooold.  He spent most of his time at the bottom getting splashed.

The invited neighbours brought side dishes and desserts.  This one stayed untouched for a long time, too pretty to eat.

I realise now that I took for granted the block parties like this that went on in my neighbourhood as a child.  The end of our street was a cul-de-sac: the perfect spot.   The neighbourhood pool became the place for the party at some point, and I remember one of the games was to lift a giant watermelon that had been greased with butter out of the deep end.  I never managed it.   We didn't have the live bands or the bouncy slide, but we had the same feeling  of community, the sense of belonging.  It's one of the things that makes Fort Collins so special.  It's not the only town where it happens, but it's the one that we know about, so it's THE one.  We feel it when the city hosts events like bike-to-work day.  Paul did a short circuit in the mile or so around our house and collected so much food that he brought some home along with a cooler bag and a t-shirt.  One of our friends visited 23 kiosks and had to make a trip home halfway through to drop off his booty!  We feel it when we drop off our children at school and see other parents picking up the rare bit of trash that missed the bin.  We feel it at the grocery stores and liquor stores where we are remembered and greeted in ways that show our history.  Maybe it was more than aesthetics that led Walt Disney to model Main Street in Disneyland after Fort Collins...  

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