Thursday, August 13, 2009


We had our second ultrasound in Denver on Tuesday and discovered very quickly that the baby is a boy. The scan was very thorough and we got to see him tossing and turning in all his glory. We are thrilled.

I think the picture is pretty clear, but just in case you're having trouble I'll give you a brief description. His head is on the right side and he's facing the camera with his face turned towards the top of the picture. His hands are in front of his face as if he's telling us that he's had enough photos for one day. His left leg is bent at a 90% angle with his shin crossing his body. Below, his gender is unquestionable.


Jenny said...

He is beautiful! We are so excited that Timothy is going to get a little brother.We look forward to playing with the two of them together.
All our love
Gran and Grand-da

Unknown said...

Well done from a very happy great aunt

Tracy said...

Congratulations! He looks very handsome! We can't wait to meet him and Tim too!


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