Thursday, October 01, 2009

cape town: the tygerberg

tim enjoying the view of cape town and table mountain

The Tygerberg is a nature reserve just north of Cape Town. Neville does a lot of tree cutting, getting rid of alien vegetation, there and it offers great views of the city and the airport. We hoped to watch the jumbo jets on their approach to the airport, but we arrived just after the morning 'rush.' The first time that I came to Cape Town, we flew so close to The Tygerberg peak that I recognized it from Neville's photos. We didn't see any of the planes coming in from Europe but on the side facing away from Table Mountain we saw several coming in from Johannesburg. Tim was duly impressed. The wind that we've had all week, died today and we had summer like weather. Our lunch was a yummy break at a wine farm not far from The Tygerberg.

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