Friday, November 27, 2009

thanksgiving 2009

Instead of getting together with the extended family, we had a quiet meal at home. Paul only had the day off and we wanted to spend it with Timothy. It was a gorgeous sunny day. Tim and Paul played outside and each of us took a walk with Tim while the other had some 'me' time.

i think it's easy to see what i'm thankful for on this holiday

i cooked traditional dishes

the place mats from jenny and neville may not be traditional but don't they look nice?


Jenny said...


What a lovely family photograph. Your food looks yummy too!
Lots of love from Gran

Unknown said...

I love the first picture of all of you, especially Timothy, he looks so grown up sitting at the table
love Cath x x x


There are a lot more sibling arguments around our house these days, and we cherish it even if we don't love it.  We have carr...