Sunday, January 30, 2011

money, money, money

Yes, I've sold out, gone commercial, joined the racket, sold my soul to corporate capitalism, become a 'true American,' and so on. If you look to the left of these words, you'll see an obnoxious collection of advertisements. If you click on one, I make a money (say that with an Italian accent, like you're in the mafia). I'm new to this so I don't know how much money. Google Ads says 'it depends.' This brings to mind a poem I love by William Carlos Williams:

so much depends

a red wheel
glazed with rain

beside the white

Such a simple poem that brings together the essentials of life: tools to grow food, water to sustain life, animals to provide food. If only I could write something so profound.

Anyway, back to the greenbacks. By allowing ads on my blog, I can earn a little mad money, something to put towards college funds for the boys. No, more likely something to put towards getting my hair colored or my nails done. If you hate it and don't want to read the blog anymore, let me know. I'll consider stopping the ads. If you want to 'take one for the team,' click on an ad and put the boys through college. At the very least, you'll help pay for the gymnastics/dance class in which I just enrolled Timothy. He'll be moonwalking by the end of February! No, don't get your hopes up, but he does love to dance. I'm not going to put ads on the blogs of the boys. That would be...unethical? immoral? brilliant! No, no, I'm not going to do it, just yet.


Anonymous said...

Keep the ads - most people don't even see them. I didn't even notice they were there until you pointed it out.
Can't wait to see pictures and videos of Tim at his dance/ gymnastics classes. I loved all of that too as a child :-)

Jenny said...

I don't like the ads BUT if you can make money out of them then go for it. Nothing will make me stop reading your blogs. Also look forward to some more videos.
All my love

Anonymous said...

Any chance there will be an ad for a free meal at Hooters?
The Captain

Paul said...

Just keep checking the blog Doug, and when you see it make a booking for two.

Anonymous said...

Right now, I have no control over which ads I have on the blog. If I become a top earner for them, that may change, so really, gentlemen, it's up to you.

Thanks Melissa and Jenny. Your support means a lot.


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