Friday, February 18, 2011

keep on clicking

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanks to all of you or some of you or one of you (but I know that's not true), we've earned enough from your ad clicks to pay for Tim's athletics class. I'm going to double check the dates and register him today. If there's an open spot and he gets registered, I'm going to make a point of taking him to the Youth Center before class begins so that he'll be familiar with the surroundings. I really appreciate your help with this little fund raiser. When I signed the contract to put ads on my blog, I agreed not to click myself, so it's all you. Our next goal is to pay for a swimming class for both boys!


Anonymous said...

but where did the ads go??

Kathleen Attridge said...

Ack! You're right Karen; they are gone. I'll have to investigate. Stay tuned...


There are a lot more sibling arguments around our house these days, and we cherish it even if we don't love it.  We have carr...